Property Investment

ideas can make you or break you

The right idea, at the right time will always be alright. 

property as an investment vehicle

The property investment market is constantly evolving to the benefit of the investor. While once landlords build their property portfolio from scratch using a regular buy-to-let strategy, but in recent years there have been changes to regulations and the imposition of additional legal responsibilities that make becoming a certain type of property investor less desirable.


Buy-to-let property investment refers to buying a property with a view to rent it out. By renting out the property, you create a source of income in the form of monthly rent. As the value of the property rises, it creates
capital growth and over the same period, rent also increases. A buy-to-let does not necessarily have to be a place you can live in, or in a locality where you are currently living. Consider rental properties with the eye of a tenant and look at the different types of houses
and apartments available in an area with good locational factors and economic fundamentals which will add value to your investment. Rental areas have two possible areas of growth market yield and market capital growth.

Capital growth refers to the increase in value of a property over a period of time. It is affected by various factors including location and the economic climate. As a result, the value of a home is subject to change depending on the factors influencing the
performance of a property.

Yield is the annual rental income a tenant pays, as a percentage of the total value of the property. It is a working figure that shows the property owner how well the investment is doing.

Gross yield is the total annual income from the rental properties as a percentage of the total value of the property.

Net yield is gross yield minus the deductions of running costs; expenses such as service charges, ground rent, letting fees and so on. Net yield is the true reflection of the profit made from the rental income.

Capital growth refers to the increase in value of a property over a period of time. It is affected by various factors including location and the economic climate. As a result, the value of a home is subject to change depending on the factors influencing the
performance of a property.


A roof is the top covering of a building, including all materials and constructions necessary to support it on the walls of the building or on uprights, providing protection against rain, snow, sunlight, extremes of temperature, and wind. A roof is part of the building envelope. The elements in the design of a roof are:
• the material
• the construction
• the durability

The material of a roof may range from leaves, wheaten straw or seagrass to laminated glass, copper (see: copper roofing), aluminium sheeting and pre-cast concrete. In many parts of the world ceramic tiles have been the predominant roofing material. Other roofing materials include asphalt, coal tar pitch, EPDM rubber, Hypalon, polyurethane foam, PVC, slate, Teflon fabric, TPO, and wood shakes and shingles.

The construction of a roof is determined by its method of support and how the underneath space is bridged and whether or not the roof is pitched. The pitch is the angle at which the roof rises from its lowest to highest point. So the pitch is partly dependent upon stylistic factors, and partially to do with practicalities.
Some types of roofing, require a steep pitch in order to be waterproof and durable. Other types of roofing, for example pantiles, are unstable on a steeply pitched roof but provide excellent weather protection at a relatively low angle.

The durability of a roof is a matter of concern because the roof is often the least accessible part of a building for purposes of repair and renewal, while its damage or destruction can have serious effects.

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